Numberland Technology News
August 2019
- Vorträge und Exkursionen
- 10 neue Get in Contact
- 20 neue How-tos
- Messen - 08/19 - 10/19
- Konferenzen 08/19 - 10/19
- Numberland intern
Vorträge und Exkursionen
In diesem Newsletter finden Sie Hinweise auf:
- InnovationLaunch September 2019
20 Jahre Numberland Data Science Lab (NDSL)
Die Anfänge des Numberland Data Science Lab starteten 1997 mit ersten Versuchen zu neuronalen Netzen und Entscheidungsbäumen nach bereits 10 Jahren Praxis mit linearen und nichtlinearen Regressionsanalysen. Im Mai 1999 kamen dann die ersten Kundenprojekte - zu einer Zeit, als der Begriff "Data Science" noch nicht erfunden war, und sich außerhalb von Universitäten und Forschungseinrichtungen nur ganz wenige Gedanken über die Analyse numerischer und nicht-numerischer Daten gemacht haben.
Aus diesen Grund können wir in diesem Jahr unser 20-jähriges Jubiläum feiern!
Wir feiern, und Sie haben den Nutzen davon!
Auf alle Projekte, die das Ziel haben, bei Ihnen vorhandene Daten mit Hilfe von Algorithmen aus dem Bereich:
- linearer oder nichtlinearer Regression
- Zeitreihenanalyse (AR, MA, ARMA, ARIMA)
- Clusteranalyse (KMeans, Hirarchisches Clustern, etc.)
- Klassifikation (Entscheidungsbäume, Neuronale Netze, etc.)
- Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Dimensionsreduktion
zu modellieren, gewähren wir Ihnen bis auf weiteres einen Nachlaß von
auf den normalen Tagessatz.
Darüber hinaus digitalisieren wir Daten, die nur in Form einer gedruckten Grafik vorliegen, damit sie in Berechnungen verwendet werden können.
Wir sind gespannt auf viele schöne, seltsame, ungewöhnliche, unverständliche, erstaunliche, irritierende, unerwartete, unerklärliche Datensätze.
Numberland ist spezialisiert auf maschinelles Lesen und Lernen mit technischen Dokumenten zur Unterstützung der Produktentwicklung. Dass wir darüber hinaus ein Data Science Lab betreiben (das wir ja für unsere Arbeit sowieso benötigen) wussten Sie bisher nicht? Na dann los, lassen Sie es uns zusammen versuchen!
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InnovationLaunch September 2019: Praktikable Virtual Reality auf Basis von 3D-Konstruktionsdaten und 3D-Laserscans, 10.09.2019, 18:30 Uhr, Alexander von Humboldt Haus der Universität Bayreuth, Eichendorffring 5, 95447 Bayreuth
DER VDI und Numberland – laden herzlich zum „InnovationLaunch“ ein.
10.09.2019, 18:30 Uhr, Alexander von Humboldt Haus der Universität Bayreuth, Eichendorffring 5, 95447 Bayreuth ein.
Praktikable Virtual Reality auf Basis von 3D-Konstruktionsdaten und 3D-Laserscans
Dr.-Ing. Michael Reeßing, Fachgebiet Medienproduktion, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik der Technischen Universität Ilmenau
Dr.-Ing. Michael Reeßing ist Mitgründer der Softvise GmbH in Ilmenau, dem Hersteller von Softvise Cadmium, einer Software zum 3D-Review komplexer Ingenieursprojekte, die bei Airbus, BASF, Daimler und anderen Unternehmen im Einsatz ist. Nach seinem Studium der Informatik an der Technischen Universität Ilmenau, Schwerpunkt Computergrafik, wechselte er an die Fakultät Maschinenbau der TU Ilmenau, wo er am Fachgebiet Konstruktionstechnik in verschiedenen Projekten zur Digitalisierung des Konstruktionsprozesses tätig war. Im Rahmen seiner Dissertation entwickelte er Softwarewerkzeuge zum phasen- und domänen- übergreifenden Entwurf, unter anderem die Integration einer CAD-Software in eine Mehrwand-Virtual-Reality-Anlage. In der Softvise GmbH verantwortet er heute die Bereiche Cloud-Integration und VR-Werkzeuge.
Mit der Verfügbarkeit leistungsfähiger und erschwinglicher VR-Hardware verbleibt auf dem Gebiet der virtuellen Realität eine große Herausforderung: Die praktikable Nutzung dieser Technologie im Produktentwicklungs-prozess. Komplexe 3D-Konstruktionsdaten zur VR-Darstellung aufzubereiten, ist in herkömmlichen Prozessen mit großem manuellem Aufwand verbunden, und die eingesetzte VR-Software führt die Grafikkarten noch immer an ihre Leistungsgrenzen.
Die Softvise GmbH entwickelt Softwarewerkzeuge und Prozesse, mit denen die Überführung von 3D-Konstruktions- und Planungsdaten in eine VR-Darstellung jederzeit und mit geringem Aufwand gelingt. Der in Softvise Cadmium implementierte Originaldatenimport für zahlreiche Standardformate sowie die automatische Reduktion der Modellkomplexität sorgt dafür, dass der Datenumfang komplexer 3D-Modelle als begrenzender Faktor eliminiert wird und gleichzeitig der vollständige Detailgrad der Objekte erhalten bleibt. Als Nebeneffekt sinkt die Belastung der Grafikkarte deutlich. Auf der Basis dieser Technologie kann die Virtuelle Realität als mächtiges Werkzeug zur Produkt- entwicklung genutzt werden, beispielsweise für Anwendungen zum Konstruktionsreview, zur Cloud-Integration oder zur VR-Kollaboration. Anhand von Praxisbeispielen aus dem Maschinenbau, der digitalen Fabrikplanung und des Building Information Modeling (BIM) erklärt Dr.-Ing. Michael Reeßing die Funktionsweise dieser Software und vermittelt Erfahrungen bei der praktikablen Umsetzung der notwendigen Prozesse.
Im Anschluss an den Vortrag wird die Technologie live vorgeführt..
Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei. Die Anzahl der Teilnehmer ist begrenzt, eine Anmeldung daher unbedingt erforderlich. Plätze werden in der Reihenfolge der Anmeldung vergeben.
Anmeldungen bitte unter Angabe der vollständigen Kontaktdaten an
Numberland intern
Maschinelles Lesen technischer Dokumente
Lesen Sie 10x mehr Dokumente in 10% der Zeit
Informationsüberflutung, Zeitdruck und Stress bei der Produktentwicklung bereits beim Filtern und Sortieren von Dokumenten sind tägliche Realität. Der eigentlichen Kernaufgabe - verstehen, Schlüsse daraus ziehen und Lösungen zu finden - wird deswegen oft nur mit großer Mühe ein angemessener zeitlicher Rahmen eingeräumt.
Dabei wird übersehen, dass es in der Zwischenzeit gut funktionierende Werkzeuge gibt - Stichwort: maschinelles Lesen und Lernen - um sich auf diesem Gebiet Hilfe zu holen. Dokumente aus beliebigen Quellen, in beliebigen Formaten und in großem Umfang (einige hundert bis viele tausend) können in eine Analyse einbezogen werden.
- schnell: Sie lesen mindestens 10x mehr Dokumente in 10% der Zeit.
- offen: beliebige Dokumente können in die Analyse einbezogen werden (Patente, wissenschaftliche Publikationen, Officedokumente, Webseiten, Datenbankinhalte, etc.).
- aktuell: wir haben eine Kopie aller EU- und US-Patente seit 1920; andere Dokumente werden bei Bedarf von uns beschafft, sofern sie nicht von Ihnen zur Verfügung gestellt werden können.
- interaktiv: alle Analysen incl. der darin enthaltenen Grafiken sind auf Wunsch interaktiv und mit den analysierten Dokumenten verknüpft
- vielseitig einsetzbar: Analysen sind auf unterschiedlichster Hardware lauffähig (vom Mobiltelefon bis zum Server), so dass unter verschiedensten Rahmenbedingungen damit gearbeitet werden kann.
- nachvollziehbar: Entscheidungen, die auf Basis einer untersuchten Dokumentkollektion getroffen werden, lassen sich leicht nachvollziehen.
Welche Anwendungsmöglichkeiten gibt es?
- Richtungsfindung in einem Markt oder Thema: wer macht was, welche inhaltlichen, räumlichen oder zeitlichen Trends existieren (z. B. für F&E-Vorhaben, Businessplan, Wettbewerbsanalysen, etc.)?
- Innovationsfindung (=Benutzung der verfügbaren Dokumente als Ideenkatalog, z. B. für APQP, QFD, SWOT, TRIZ, etc.)
Welche Analysen können erstellt werden?
- Welche Dokumente sind in einer Kollektion enthalten (tabellarisch mit Autor, Titel, Datum, etc.)?
- Welche inhaltlichen Ähnlichkeiten zwischen Dokumenten existieren?
- Wer macht was?
- Welche zeitlichen, inhaltlichen oder regionalen Trends existieren?
- Welche Akteure, Zeiträume, Regionen etc. dominieren ein Thema?
- Welche inhaltlichen Unterschiede bestehen zwischen einzelnen Akteuren, Gruppen, Zeiträumen, Regionen, etc.?
- Welche Themen sind enthalten, die ich nicht kenne (und nach denen ich aus diesem Grund auch nicht suchen kann)?
- Welche Herstellungsverfahren, Normen, Analysemethoden, chemischen Elemente und Verbindungen, Medikamente, Messgrößen, Werkstoffeigenschaften oder -klassen spielen eine Rolle?
- Wir erkennen geometrischen, mechanische, thermische, elektrische, magnetische, optische, akustische, etc. Messgrößen (insgesamt 90, jederzeit erweiterbar)in Dokumenten, wandeln unterschiedlichste Einheiten in eine gemeinsame Einheit um, und machen so Meßgrößen vergleichbar.
- etc.
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How-to Collections of the Month / How-to Sammlungen des Monats
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How-to Collection of the Month |
How-to Sammlung des Monats(Ein How-to ist eine praktische Anleitung) |
With these collections of expired patents ("US" + "EU") containing the words "Keyword(s)" (as mentioned below) within title and abstract you easily find products and technologies free to use which are suited to your business model. All patents are completely indexed so that you are able to search the collection for arbitrary terms. Usage of logical operators ("AND", "+", "OR", "NOT", "-"), wildcards ("?", "*") and similarity search ("~", usage on input - i. e. "roa~" will find "roam" as well as "foam") is possible.
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Mit diesen Sammlungen von abgelaufenen Patenten (US + EU), die die Worte "Stichworte" (wie unten genannt) im Titel und in der Zusammenfassung enthalten, finden Sie ganz einfach Technologien und Produkte, die zum Geschäftsmodell Ihres Unternehmens passen. Die Patente sind vollständig indexiert, so dass die Sammlung nach beliebigen Begriffen durchsucht werden kann. Die Verwendung von logischen Operatoren ("AND", "+", "OR", "NOT", "-"), Wildcards ("?", "*") und Ähnlichkeitssuche ("~", findet z. B. bei Eingabe von "roa~" neben "roam" auch "foam") ist möglich. Sichern Sie sich diesen Monat |
20% off | 20% Rabatt |
our regular price this month for the collections mentioned below:(*) |
auf den Listenpreis für folgende Sammlungen:(*) |
- Keramisches Pulver / Ceramic Powder: ca. 3010 Patente / Patents
- Membranpumpe / Membrane Pump: ca. 1240 Patente / Patents
- Drehschieberpumpe / Rotary Vane Pump: ca. 580 Patente / Patents
- Kreiskolbenpumpe / Rotary Piston Pump: ca. 839 Patente / Patents
- Schlauchpumpe / Peristaltic Hose Pump: ca. 2780 Patente / Patents
- Axialpumpe / Axial Flow Pump: ca. 1250 Patente / Patents
- Radialpumpe / Radial Flow Pump: ca. 880 Patente / Patents
- Wasserstrahlpumpe / Water Jet Pump: ca. 720 Patente / Patents
- Abstandssensor / Distance Sensor: ca. 4600 Patente / Patents
- Gassensor / Gas Sensor: ca. 8820 Patente / Patents
- Induktiver Sensor / Inductive Sensor: ca. 2030 Patente / Patents
- Resistiver Sensor / Resistive Sensor: ca. 4240 Patente / Patents
- Piezoelektrischer Sensor / Piezoelektric Sensor: ca. 1520 Patente / Patents
- Kapazitiver Sensor / Capacitive Sensor: ca. 3290 Patente / Patents
- Optoelektrischer Sensor / Photoelectric Sensor: ca. 1230 Patente / Patents
- Elektrochemischer Sensor / Electrochemical Sensor: ca. 1600 Patente / Patents
- Faseroptischer Sensor / Fiber Sensor: ca. 4210 Patente / Patents
- Kapazitiver Drucksensor / Capacitive Pressure Sensor: ca. 650 Patente / Patents
- Piezoelektrischer Drucksensor / Piezoelectric Pressure Sensor: ca. 320 Patente / Patents
- Piezoresistiver Drucksensor / Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor: ca. 150 Patente / Patents
English: Discount is valid only for manufacturing companies until publication of the next newsletter.
Deutsch: Der Rabatt gilt ausschließlich für produzierende Unternehmen. Das Angebot gilt bis zur Publikation des nächsten Newsletters.
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Get in Contact of the Month
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Numberland erreicht mit Newsletter und Website jeden Monat tausende Personen mit Interesse an Werkstoffforschung bzw. Werkstoffverarbeitung - nicht nur in Deutschland.
Entsprechend den bei uns publizierten Anfragen und Angeboten zu Werkstoffen, deren Herstellungs- und Analytikverfahren aus den Bereichen Glas, Optik+Photonik, Halbleitertechnik, technische Keramik, Metalle, Polymere und technische Textilien erreichen wir Besucher, die sich für diese Werkstoffe interessieren. Die Anwendungsgebiete dazu sind sehr vielfältig, und umfassen:
- Aktorik + Sensorik
- instrumentelle Analytik + Messtechnik
- Biomaterialien
- Informationstechnik (erzeugen, umwandeln, transportieren, verarbeiten und speichern von Informationen)
- Energietechnik (erzeugen, umwandeln, transportieren, speichern, sparen, dämmen von Energie)
- Fertigungstechnik
- Katalyse
- Mechanik (z. B. Formgedächtnis, Hochtemperaturbeständigkeit, Leichtbau, Mikrotechnik, Selbstheilung, Tribologie, Verbund)
- Oberflächentechnik (z. B. Barrieretechnik, Biomedizin, Dekoration, Oberflächenschutz, Tribologie)
Gerne bieten wir auch Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihre Werstoffveranstaltung mit unserer Hilfe einem größeren Puiblikum bekannt zu machen. Wir können Ihnen - sowohl für den Newsletter - als auch für die Publikation auf der Website - attraktive Konditionen bieten!
- 31.07.-03.08.2019: MF-Tokyo - Metal Forming Fair, Tokyo, JP
- 01.08-03.08.2019: INDUSMACH Africa - Int. Trade Exhibition on Industrial Products, Tools, Machinery & Equipment, Nairobi, KE
- 01.08-03.08.2019: PPP Expo - Plastics, Printing, Packaging Expo, Nairobi, KE
- 01.08-03.08.2019: VIETNAM MEDIPHARM EXPO Ho-Chi-Minh-City - International Medical, Hospital & Pharmaceutical Exhibition, Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt, VN
- 01.08-04.08.2019: Wind & Water Gdynia, PL
- 01.08-05.08.2019: Sydney International Boat Show - Sydney International Boat Show, Sydney, AU
- 04.08-07.08.2019: IWA WDCE - IWA Water and Development Congress and Exhibition, Colombo, LK
- 04.08-08.08.2019: M&M Microscopy & Microanalysis, Portland, US
- 06.08-08.08.2019: AACC Annual Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo - AACC Clinical Laboratory Exposition, Anaheim, US
- 06.08-08.08.2019: MEC SHOW - Ausstellung für Metallbearbeitung, Energie und Automation, Serra, BR
- 07.08-10.08.2019: Vietfood & ProPack - International Exhibition on Food & Beverage Food Processing, Packaging Technology, Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt, VN
- 10.08-12.08.2019: GARTEX Texprocess India - Complete Garment Manufacturing Solutions Show, New Delhi, IN
- 13.08-15.08.2019: SPIE Optics + Photonics Exhibition, San Diego, US
- 14.08-16.08.2019: VME - Vietnam Manufacturing Expo - incl. InterMold Vietnam, Automotive Manufacturing Vietnam, Assembly Automation Vietnam, Hanoi, VN
- 19.08-21.08.2019: CITEXPO - China Int. Tire Expo, Shanghai, CN
- 20.08-23.08.2019: AQUA-NOR - Internationale Wasserkonferenz mit Ausstellung, Trondheim, NO
- 20.08-23.08.2019: FENASUCRO - International Sugar and Energy Technology Trade Show, Sao Paulo, BR
- 21.08-23.08.2019: Smart IoT TW - Internationale Ausstellung für IOT Anwendungen, Kaohsiung, TW
- 21.08-24.08.2019: PLASCOM TW - TW International Plastics, Rubber & Composites Show, Kaohsiung, TW
- 21.08-24.08.2019: Taipei Int. Logistics & IoT Exhibition, Taipei, TW
- 21.08-24.08.2019: Taipei Int. Mold & Die Industry Fair, Taipei, TW
- 21.08-24.08.2019: Taipei International Industrial Automation Exhibition, Taipei, TW
- 21.08-24.08.2019: TW Int. 3D Printing Show, Taipei, TW
- 21.08-24.08.2019: TW Int. Automation Intelligence & Robot Show, Taipei, TW
- 22.08-25.08.2019: Cambodia International Machinery Industry Fair - CIMIF - Cambodia Int. Machinery Industry Fair, Phnom Penh, KH
- 22.08-25.08.2019: KH International Machinery Industry Fair - CIMIF - KH Int. Machinery Industry Fair, Phnom Penh, KH
- 26.08-29.08.2019: MIMS Automechanika MOSCOW - RU's Leading International Trade Fair for the Automotive Service Industry targeting Trade Visitors from RU and the CIS, Moskau, RU
- 27.08-29.08.2019: AIMEX - Asia -Pacific's International Mining and Exploration Exhibition, Sydney, AU
- 27.08-29.08.2019: iftech PK - International Exhibition of Food & Beverage Processing Packaging Technologies, Karachi, PK
- 27.08-29.08.2019: Intersolar South America / ees South America - The international Exhibition and Conference for the South American Solar Industry / The major platform for storage technologies reshaping LATAM's energy sector, Sao Paulo, BR
- 27.08-29.08.2019: plasti & pack pakistan - International Plastics and Packaging Industry Trade Fair, Karachi, PK
- 27.08-29.08.2019: Turkmen Construction - International Exhibition - Turkmenische Bauindustrie - Internationale Messe, Ashkhabad, TM
- 28.08-29.08.2019: Valve World Expo Asia - The International Exhibition & Conference on Valve Industry, Shanghai, CN
- 28.08-30.08.2019: CNIBF - China Shanghai Int. Lithium Battery Industry Fair, Shanghai, CN
- 28.08-30.08.2019: CTEF - China (Shanghai) Int. Chemical Technology & Eqipment Fair, Shanghai, CN
- 28.08-30.08.2019: EXPO INTERNACIONAL RUJAC - Automotive-Parts and Spare Equipment Exhibition, Guadalajara, MX
- 28.08-30.08.2019: INAMARINE - Indonesia International Shipbuilding, Offshore, Marine Equipment, Machinery and Services Exhibition, Jakarta, ID
- 28.08-30.08.2019: Smart Manufacturing & Monitech, Taipei, TW
- 28.08-30.08.2019: TILOG & LOGISTIX - TH International Logistics Fair & Int. Exhibition on Intralogistics Technologies, Equipment, Systems and Services for Food & Beverage, Personal Care Products, Automotive & Electronics Sector, Bangkok, TH
- 28.08-31.08.2019: PackPlus - The Total Packaging, Processing and Supply Chain Event, New Delhi, IN
- 29.08-31.08.2019: Annapoorna - World of Food India - International Exhibition and Conference for the Food & Beverage Industry, Mumbai, IN
- 29.08-31.08.2019: Everything About Water Expo, New Delhi, IN
- 01.09-04.09.2019: Autumn Fair International - Autumn Fair Birmingham, Birmingham, GB
- 02.09-04.09.2019: SENSOR CHINA Expo & Conference, Shanghai, CN
- 02.09-04.09.2019: The Big 5 Construct Egypt - International Building & Construction Show, Kairo, EG
- 03.09-04.09.2019: PowerTrends - International Technology Exhibition of Power Generation and Energy Efficiency, Manila, PH
- 03.09-04.09.2019: SPS automation Middle East - The international Exhibition and Conference for Innovative Solutions in the Automation Industry, Dubai, AE
- 03.09-05.09.2019: Aquatech Mexico - Leading Trade Event for Process, Drinking and Waste Water, Mexico, MX
- 03.09-05.09.2019: CCE - China Composite Expo, Shanghai, CN
- 03.09-05.09.2019: Intersolar Mexico - Exhibition & Congress, Mexico, MX
- 03.09-05.09.2019: ISH Shanghai & CIHE - Shanghai International Trade Fair for Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning and Home Comfort System, Shanghai, CN
- 03.09-05.09.2019: Materials Handling Middle East - the International Exhibition for Intralogistics, Warehousing, Supply Chain, Ports, Port Equipment Products & Services, Dubai, AE
- 03.09-05.09.2019: Medical Philippines Expo, Manila, PH
- 03.09-05.09.2019: POWER-GEN Asia - The Global Power Generation Exhibition & Conference, Kuala Lumpur, MY
- 03.09-05.09.2019: Shanghai Intelligent Building Technology - China's premier platform for intelligent building technology, Shanghai, CN
- 03.09-05.09.2019: Shanghai International Lighting Fair, Shanghai, CN
- 03.09-05.09.2019: SpinExpo - Fachmesse für Garne, Fasern und Textildesign, Shanghai, CN
- 03.09-05.09.2019: the Green Expo - Internationale Fachmesse und Konferenz für umweltgerechtes Bauen, Wasser, Umweltschutz, Recycling, Stromversorgung, Energiegewinnung, und -übertragung, Mexico, MX
03.09-06.09.2019: SPE Offshore Europe - Oil & Gas Conference & Exhibition, Aberdeen, GB - 04.09-06.09.2019: AQUATHERM Almaty - Internationale Fachmesse für Klimatechnik, Almaty, KZ
- 04.09-06.09.2019: CEEC - Clean Energy Expo China, Hangzhou, CN
- 04.09-06.09.2019: JASIS (formerly JAIMA) - JP Analytical & Scientific Instruments Show, Chiba/Tokyo, JP
- 04.09-06.09.2019: MCE Asia - MOSTRA CONVEGNO EXPOCOMFORT ASIA - The leading trade exhibition dedicated to energy efficient solutions for the Cooling, Energy, Water and Heating sectors of the built environment, Singapore, SG
- 04.09-06.09.2019: Vacuum Show - Internationale Fachmesse für Vakuumtechnik, Yokohama, JP
- 04.09-07.09.2019: BICES - Internationale Fachmesse und Konferenz für Baumaschinen, Peking, CN
- 04.09-07.09.2019: CIOE - China International Optoelectronic Exposition, Shenzhen, CN
- 04.09-07.09.2019: Expodental - Internationale Fachmesse für Labortechnik und -ausrüstung sowie Dentaltechnik, Istanbul, TR
- 04.09-07.09.2019: RIGAFOOD - Internationale Ausstellung für Lebensmittel, Getränke, Nahrungsmittelverarbeitung und Verpackung, Riga, LV
- 04.09-07.09.2019: WorldFood Istanbul - Internationale Fachmesse für Lebensmittel und Getränke, Istanbul, TR
- 05.09-07.09.2019: EXPO NACIONAL FERRETERA - Nationale Eisenwarenmesse, Guadalajara, MX
- 05.09-07.09.2019: GREEN IS LIFE, Warschau, PL
- 05.09-07.09.2019: IndiaCorr Expo - SinoCorrugated - International Event for the Corrugation Industry, New Delhi, IN
- 05.09-07.09.2019: Intermat ASEAN - Internationale Fachmesse für Baumaschinen, Bauausrüstung und Technologien, Bangkok, TH
- 05.09-07.09.2019: Turkmen Energetika - Internationale Messe 'Energie TM', Ashkhabad, TM
- 05.09-08.09.2019: FDI - World Dental Congress/Dental Trade Exhibition, San Francisco, US
- 06.09-08.09.2019: CONSTRUCT GHANA - International Trade Show for Construction & Vertical Industries, Accra, GH
- 06.09-11.09.2019: IFA - The Global Innovations Show, Berlin, DE
- 09.09-11.09.2019: BALTEXPO - Internationale Schifffahrtsausstellung, Danzig, PL
- 09.09-12.09.2019: ITU TELECOM WORLD - Weltausstellung des Fernmeldewesens, Budapest, HU
- 09.09-13.09.2019: EU PVSEC - European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Marseille, FR
- 10.09-12.09.2019: BPI - BioProcess International Conference & Exhibition, Boston, US
- 10.09-12.09.2019: COMPOSITES EUROPE - Europäische Fachmesse & Forum für Verbundwerkstoffe, Technologie und Anwendungen, Stuttgart, DE
- 10.09-12.09.2019: InProdMash UA - Internationale Fachmesse für Lebensmittelverarbeitung, Kiew, UA
- 10.09-12.09.2019: SCHWEISSEN, Linz, AT
- 10.09-12.09.2019: The Battery Show North America - Int. Rechargeable Battery Expo, Novi, US
- 10.09-13.09.2019: ENVASE - International Exhibition for the Packaging Industry, Buenos Aires, AR
- 10.09-13.09.2019: HUSUM Wind - Die deutsche Windmesse, Husum, DE
- 10.09-13.09.2019: Katowice 2019 - Internationale Messe für Bergbau, Energietechnik und Metallurgie, Kattowitz, PL
- 10.09-15.09.2019: Yachting Festival Cannes, Cannes, FR
- 11.09-12.09.2019: ESC - Energy Storage China, Kanton, CN
- 11.09-12.09.2019: PI Packaging Innovations, London, GB
- 11.09-12.09.2019: RWM - Recycling and Waste Management, Birmingham, GB
- 11.09-13.09.2019: MEDICAL FAIR THAILAND - International Exhibition on Hospital, Diagnostic, Pharmaceutical, Medical & Rehabilitation Equipment & Supplies, Bangkok, TH
- 11.09-13.09.2019: NEPCON VN - International Exhibition on SMT, Testing Technologies, Equipment and Supporting Industries for Electronics Manufacturing, Hanoi, VN
- 11.09-13.09.2019: Packtech Expo Balkan - International trade fair of packaging materials, machinery and food processing equipment, Belgrad, RS
- 11.09-14.09.2019: BIEL Light + Building Buenos Aires - Biennial International Trade Fair of the Electric, Electronic and Lighting Industry, Buenos Aires, AR
- 11.09-14.09.2019: Electric, Power and Renewable Energy Indonesia, Jakarta, ID
- 11.09-15.09.2019: MATEXPO - Internationale Baumaschinenmesse, Kortrijk, BE
- 12.09-13.09.2019: ALUMINUM US, Nashville, US
- 12.09-14.09.2019: PROPAK MM - International Processing and Packaging Exhibition, Rangun, MM
- 13.09-17.09.2019: IBC - International Broadcasting Convention, Amsterdam, NL
- 14.09-16.09.2019: APEX CAIRO - Arab African Packaging and Food Processing Technologies Exhibition, Kairo, EG
- 15.09-18.09.2019: GEA - GRC Annual Meeting & GEA Geothermal Energy Expo, Palm Springs, US
- 16.09-17.09.2019: EAST - Energy And Storage Technologies - exhibition & conference, Erfurt, DE
- 16.09-18.09.2019: CWIEME - Ausstellung für Spulenwicklung, Isolierung und Elektrofertigung, Rosemont, US
- 16.09-19.09.2019: DLD Tel Aviv Innovation Festival, Tel Aviv, IL
- 16.09-19.09.2019: IEAS - Int. Electric & Automation Show, Bukarest, RO
- 16.09-20.09.2019: EXTEMIN - Mining Technology Exhibition, Arequipa, PE
- 16.09-21.09.2019: EMO - Die Welt der Metallbearbeitung, Hannover, DE
- 17.09-18.09.2019: ADF & PCD New York - Exhibition for the aerosol, dispensing, perfume & cosmetic packaging and design, New York, US
- 17.09-18.09.2019: Future Energy East Africa - Conference & Expo, Nairobi, KE
- 17.09-19.09.2019: CIIF - China International Industry Fair, Shanghai, CN
- 17.09-19.09.2019: Energetab, Bielsko-Biala, PL
- 17.09-19.09.2019: GASTECH - International Conference and Exhibition for the LNG, LPG and Natural Gas Industries, Houston, US
- 17.09-19.09.2019: GlassBuild America - The Glass, Window & Door Expo, Atlanta, US
- 17.09-19.09.2019: INTERGEO - WISSEN UND HANDELN FÜR DIE ERDE, Stuttgart, DE
- 17.09-19.09.2019: INTERMACH - International Fair of Technology, Machinery, Equipment and Services for the Metal-mechanic and Plastics Industry, Joinville, BR
- 17.09-20.09.2019: FENAF/CONAF - Gießereifachmesse und Kongreß, Sao Paulo, BR
- 17.09-20.09.2019: NEVA - The International Maritime Exhibition and Conferences of RU, St. Petersburg, RU
- 17.09-21.09.2019: IAS - Industrial Automation Show - International Trade Fair for Production and Process Automation, Electrical Systems, Robotics, Industrial Automation IT & Software and Microsystems Technology, Shanghai, CN
- 17.09-21.09.2019: MWCS - Metalworking and CNC Machine Tool Show - International Exhibition for Machine Tools, Sheet Metal, Pipe & Tubes Production, Mould & Die Construction, Tools, Shanghai, CN
- 18.09-19.09.2019: BTA - Building Technology Austria, Wien, AT
- 18.09-19.09.2019: MEDCARE - Kongress mit Fachausstellung für klinische und außerklinische Patientenversorgung, Leipzig, DE
- 18.09-20.09.2019: Aviation Expo/Airport Expo China - Beijing Aviation & Airport Equipment Expo, Peking, CN
- 18.09-20.09.2019: efa - Fachmesse für Elektro-, Gebäude-, Licht- und Energietechnik, Leipzig, DE
- 18.09-20.09.2019: IE expo Guangzhou - Trade Fair for Environmental Technology Solutions: Water, Waste, Air and Soil, Kanton, CN
- 18.09-20.09.2019: KAZCOMAK - Internationale Fachmesse für Bautechnologie, Baumaschinen, Baustoffmaschinen, Baufahrzeuge, Baugeräte und Zubehör, Almaty, KZ
- 18.09-20.09.2019: LED China/LED Lighting China/LED Chip, Packaging & Equipment, Shanghai, CN
- 18.09-20.09.2019: MetalTech Central Asia - Int. Fachmesse für Metallurgie, Gießerei- und Thermoprozesstechnik, Metallbe- und -verarbeitung, Almaty, KZ
- 18.09-20.09.2019: Mining World Central Asia - Internationale Ausstellung für Bergbau, Technologie & Equipment, Almaty, KZ
- 18.09-20.09.2019: Renewable Energy India Expo - International Exhibition & Conference, New Delhi, IN
- 18.09-20.09.2019: RubberTech China - International Exhibition on Rubber Technology, Shanghai, CN
- 18.09-20.09.2019: SEMICON TW - Semiconductor Industry Show, Taipei, TW
- 18.09-20.09.2019: Tube Southeast ASIA - International Tube & Pipe Trade Fair for Southeast Asia, Bangkok, TH
- 18.09-20.09.2019: wire Southeast ASIA - International Wire & Cable Trade Fair for Southeast Asia, Bangkok, TH
- 18.09-21.09.2019: Automechanika Johannesburg - South Africa's leading international trade fair for the automotive service industry targeting trade visitors from the Sub-Saharan Region, Johannesburg, ZA
- 18.09-21.09.2019: Concrete Show South East Asia, Jakarta, ID
- 18.09-21.09.2019: CONSTRUCTION INDONESIA - International Construction, Equipment & Materials Exhibition, Jakarta, ID
- 18.09-21.09.2019: IstanbulLight - International Lighting Fair and Summit, Istanbul, TR
- 18.09-21.09.2019: Marintec Indonesia - Int. Exhibition & Conference Focusing on Indonesia's Growing, Shipbuilding, Repair, Offshore, Port Equipment and Maritime Industries, Jakarta, ID
- 18.09-21.09.2019: MINING INDONESIA - International Mining and Mineral Recovery Exhibition and Conference, Jakarta, ID
- 18.09-21.09.2019: OGI - Oil & Gas Indonesia - incorp. Marine Indonesia, Jakarta, ID
- 18.09-21.09.2019: Pack Print International - International Packaging and Printing Exhibition for Asia, Bangkok, TH
- 18.09-21.09.2019: T-PLAS - International Trade Fair for the Plastics and Rubber Industries, Bangkok, TH
- 18.09-23.09.2019: GRAND PAVOIS - Salon Nautique - Bootausstellung, La Rochelle, FR
- 19.09-20.09.2019: HY+FC Expo China - China Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Expo, Hangzhou, CN
- 19.09-20.09.2019: IG CHINA - International Exhibition on Gas Technology, Equipment and Application, Hangzhou, CN
- 19.09-21.09.2019: analytica Anacon India / India Lab Expo - International Trade Fair for Laboratory Technology, Analysis, Biotechnology and Diagnostics, Hyderabad, IN
- 19.09-21.09.2019: CEDE - Central European Dental Exhibition, Posen, PL
- 19.09-24.09.2019: Salone Nautico - Bootsausstellung, Genua, IT
- 20.09-22.09.2019: CWE - Cutting & Welding Equipment, Mumbai, IN
- 20.09-30.09.2019: Internationale Messe Marseille, Marseille, FR
- 21.09-25.09.2019: WEFTEC - Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference, Chicago, US
- 21.09-29.09.2019: INTERBOOT - Internationale Wassersportausstellung, Friedrichshafen, DE
- 23.09-25.09.2019: ECOC - European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication, Dublin, IE
- 23.09-25.09.2019: Pack Expo Las Vegas - Western Packaging Technology, Las Vegas, US
- 23.09-25.09.2019: TEKNO - Int. Trade Fair for Manufacturing, Technology & Solutions including Metal Middle East, Tube Middle East, Welding & Cutting Middle East, Wire & Cable Middle East, Abu Dhabi, AE
- 23.09-26.09.2019: AOG-ARGENTINA OIL & GAS EXPO - International Oil, Gas and Related Products Exhibition, Buenos Aires, AR
- 23.09-26.09.2019: SPI - Solar Power International, Salt Lake City, US
- 23.09-28.09.2019: ITF - International Technical Fair, Plovdiv, BG
- 24.09-26.09.2019: Analitica Latin America - International Exhibition of Laboratory Technology, Analysis, Biotechnology and Quality Control, Sao Paulo, BR
- 24.09-26.09.2019: Automotive Testing Expo China, Shanghai, CN
- 24.09-26.09.2019: EXPERIENCE ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING - Das internationale Multi-Location-Event für ADDITIVE FERTIGUNG, Augsburg, DE
- 24.09-26.09.2019: FachPack, Nürnberg, DE
- 24.09-26.09.2019: Gulf Glass - Internationale Messe für die Glasindustrie, Dubai, AE
- 24.09-26.09.2019: GulfIndustry Fair - incl. Gulf Aluminium, Gulf Metal, Gulf Energy, Gulf Automation, Gulf Metrology, Gulf Logistics and Gulf Manufacturing, Manama, BH
- 24.09-26.09.2019: WESTEC - Western Metal and Tool Exposition and Conference, Long Beach, US
- 24.09-27.09.2019: BUDPRAGRES - Internationale Fachmesse für Hoch- und Tiefbau, Gebäudesanierung, Baumaschinen und Baustoffe, Minsk, BY
- 24.09-27.09.2019: ILMAC - Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Forschung und Entwicklung, Analytik und Diagnostik in Life Sciences und der Chemischen Industrie, Basel, CH
- 25.09-26.09.2019: AEGPL - World LPG Forum & AEGPL Congress, Amsterdam, NL
- 25.09-26.09.2019: Coiltech - International Coil Winding Expo & Conference, Pordenone, IT
- 25.09-26.09.2019: PLI Expo - International trade fair for materials and laser techniques in industry, Colmar, FR
- 25.09-26.09.2019: Sensors & Instrumentation for Test, Measurement & Control, Birmingham, GB
- 25.09-26.09.2019: WEEC Expo - World Energy Engineering Congress & Expo featuring: Green Street, Washington, US
- 25.09-27.09.2019: Battery Osaka (World Smart Energy Week) - Int. Rechargeable Battery Expo, Osaka, JP
- 25.09-27.09.2019: electronica India & productronica India, New Delhi, IN
- 25.09-27.09.2019: MEDTEC China - The exhibition dedicated to medical device design & manufacturing, Shanghai, CN
- 25.09-27.09.2019: PV EXPO Osaka (World Smart Energy Week) - International Photovoltaic Power Generation Expo, Osaka, JP
- 25.09-28.09.2019: Automation Expo - India International Trade Show Fuelling Innovation and Growth, Mumbai, IN
- 25.09-28.09.2019: Bangkok E & E - Bangkok Electric and Electronics Exhibition, Bangkok, TH
- 26.09-28.09.2019: BALTMEDICA - Internationale Fachausstellung und Kongress für Medizintechnik, Pharmazeutika, Labortechnik, Ophthalmologie und Dentaltechnik, Vilnius, LT
- 26.09-28.09.2019: Circular Energy TW - CE TW - TW Int. Green Industries Show - Environment, Energy & Water, Taipei, TW
- 26.09-28.09.2019: Engineering Asia, Lahore, PK
- 26.09-28.09.2019: Plastic, Packaging & Print Asia - International Plastic Machinery Technology Show, Lahore, PK
- 26.09-28.09.2019: Power & Alternative Energy Asia - International Exhibition & Conference, Lahore, PK
- 26.09-28.09.2019: TW Innotech Expo (formerly INST) - Taipei International Invention Show & Technomart, Taipei, TW
- 26.09-29.09.2019: NUFAM - Die Nutzfahrzeugmesse, Karlsruhe, DE
- 30.09-02.10.2019: ATCE - SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, CA
- 30.09-03.10.2019: CMTS - Canadian Manufacturing Technology Show, Mississauga/ Toronto, CA
- 30.09-03.10.2019: TAROPAK - Internationale Ausstellung für Verpackungstechnik und Logistik, Posen, PL
- 30.09-03.10.2019: WATEX - International Water & Waste Water Exhibition, Teheran, IR
- 01.10-02.10.2019: acoustex - Fachmesse für Noise-Control und Sound-Design, Dortmund, DE
- 01.10-03.10.2019: CONXEMAR - International Frozen Products Exhibition, Vigo, ES
- 01.10-03.10.2019: EXPO Ferroviaria - Internationale Messe für die Bahnindustrie, Mailand, IT
- 01.10-03.10.2019: IBEX - International Boatbuilders Exhibition & Conference, Tampa, US
- 01.10-03.10.2019: ICUEE - International Construction & Utility Equipment Exposition, Louisville, US
- 01.10-03.10.2019: MAGHREB PHARMA Expo - Int. Exhibition of the Pharmaceutical Industry Suppliers in North Africa, Algier, DZ
- 01.10-03.10.2019: PPMA Show - Processing & Packaging Machinery Showcase, Birmingham, GB
- 01.10-03.10.2019: The European Microwave Exhibition, Paris, FR
- 01.10-03.10.2019: TOOLEX - Int. Fair of Machine Tools, Tools and Processing Technology, Sosnowiec, PL
- 01.10-03.10.2019: TUBOTECH - International Trade Fair for Tubes and Pipes, Valves, Pumps, Fittings and Components, Sao Paulo, BR
- 01.10-03.10.2019: VE VEÍCOLO ELÉTRICO LATINO AMERICANO - the Latin American Platform for Hybrid-Electric Vehicles, Components, and New Technologies, Sao Paulo, BR
- 01.10-03.10.2019: wire South America - International Wire and Cable Fair, Sao Paulo, BR
- 01.10-04.10.2019: IFAI Expo - Specialty Fabrics Expo & Advanced Textiles Expo - Industrial Fabric Association International, Orlando, US
- 01.10-04.10.2019: VITRUM - Internationale Ausstellung für die Glasindustrie, Mailand, IT
- 02.10-03.10.2019: IBS - Intelligent Building Systems Exhibition, Paris, FR
- 02.10-03.10.2019: SOLIDS Rotterdam - Trade Show for Granules, Powder & Bulk Solids Technologies, Rotterdam, NL
- 02.10-04.10.2019: ECOFAIR - International Environment Protection and Natural Resources Fair, Belgrad, RS
- 02.10-04.10.2019: ENERGETIKA - Energiemesse, Belgrad, RS
- 02.10-04.10.2019: SIM - Exhibition and Congress of the Society of the Mineral Industry, Montpellier, FR
- 02.10-05.10.2019: CONEXPO Latin America - Equipment and Technologies in the Construction Industry, Santiago de Chile, CL
- 02.10-05.10.2019: EDIFICA/EXPOCONSTRUCCION - Internationale Messe für die Bauindustrie, Santiago de Chile, CL
- 02.10-05.10.2019: ISK-SODEX Istanbul - International Exhibition for HVAC&R, Pumps, Valves, Fittings, Water Treatment and Insulation, Istanbul, TR
- 03.10-05.10.2019: INMEX SMM India - South Asia's largest maritime exhibition & conference, Mumbai , IN
- 03.10-05.10.2019: MEDEXPO KENYA - International Trade Exhibition on Medical and Health Care, Nairobi, KE
- 03.10-05.10.2019: MM Build & Decor - Building Materials, Interior Design, Furniture & Decor Exhibition, Rangun, MM
- 03.10-06.10.2019: VNPlas - VN International Plastic & Rubber Industry Exhibition, Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt, VN
- 07.10-09.10.2019: Offshore Energy, Amsterdam, NL
- 07.10-10.10.2019: Motek - Internationale Fachmesse für Produktions- und Montageautomatisierung, Stuttgart, DE
- 07.10-11.10.2019: MSV - Internationale Maschinenbaumesse, Brünn, CZ
- 08.10-09.10.2019: Waste Management, Kiew, UA
- 08.10-09.10.2019: WINDABA - International Event on Wind Energy, Kapstadt, ZA
- 08.10-09.10.2019: WWA Annual Trade Show - World Water Association Annual Trade Show, Orlando, US
- 08.10-10.10.2019: CanWEA - Canada's Leading Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, CA
- 08.10-10.10.2019: Future Energy Africa - Oil & Gas Exhibition and Conference, Kapstadt, ZA
- 08.10-10.10.2019: IOFT - International Optical Fair Tokyo, Tokyo, JP
- 08.10-10.10.2019: METAVAK - Fachausstellung für die Metallverabeitung, Gorinchem, NL
- 08.10-10.10.2019: MiningWorld UA - International Exhibition of Equipment, Special Machinery and Technologies for Mining, Processing and Transportation of Minerals, Kiew, UA
- 08.10-11.10.2019: Process Expo - The Global Food Equipment & Technology Show, Chicago, US
- 09.10-10.10.2019: Waste & Recycling Expo Canada - Canada's ONLY trade event serving the waste, recycling and public works market, Toronto, CA
- 09.10-11.10.2019: BioJapan - Internationale Fachmesse für Biotechnologien, Yokohama, JP
- 09.10-11.10.2019: China Mining Congress & Expo, Tianjin, CN
- 09.10-11.10.2019: CMP MM - The International Construction, Power & Mining Exhibition, Rangun, MM
- 09.10-11.10.2019: CONSTRUCT - Construction Specifications Institute Annual Convention & Exhibition, National Harbor, US
- 09.10-11.10.2019: Electric Asia - (incorporating Asia LED and Lighting Expo & TH Renewable Energy Expo Asia), Bangkok, TH
- 09.10-11.10.2019: Expo Mongolia - International Mining & Multi Sector Trade Fair, Ulan Bator, MN
- 09.10-11.10.2019: GETCA - Green Ecology Technologies Central Asia, Taschkent, UZ
- 09.10-11.10.2019: IGEM - International Greentech & Eco Products Exhibition & Conference MY, Kuala Lumpur, MY
- 09.10-11.10.2019: Industrial Transformation MEXICO - The leading Platform for Digital Industry and Intelligent Manufacturing in MEXICO, Leon, MX
- 09.10-11.10.2019: MWA - Medic West Africa, Lagos, NG
- 09.10-11.10.2019: RHVAC Indonesia - Refrigeration & HVAC Exhibition, Jakarta, ID
- 09.10-11.10.2019: Roads, Bridges and Tunnels Fair, Ankara, TR
- 09.10-11.10.2019: Tool JP - International Hardware & Tools Fair, Chiba/Tokyo, JP
- 09.10-12.10.2019: ADDIS BUILD - Int. Construction, Construction Equipments and Technologies Exhibition, Addis Abeba, ET
- 09.10-13.10.2019: SALON NAUTICO INTERNACIONAL - Internationale Bootsausstellung, Barcelona, ES
- 10.10-12.10.2019: aluexpo - Aluminium Technology, Machinery and Products Trade Fair, Istanbul, TR
- 10.10-12.10.2019: CIHS - China International Hardware Show - Leading Trade Fair for Tools, DIY and Building Hardware, Security Systems, Locks and Fittings, Shanghai, CN
- 10.10-12.10.2019: glasspex INDIA - International Exhibition for Glass - Production, Processing, Products, Mumbai, IN
- 10.10-12.10.2019: glasspro INDIA - International Exhibition for Flatglass Processing and Products, Mumbai, IN
- 10.10-12.10.2019: Metal, Hardware & Woodmach Philippines (Manufac.Technology World Series) - International Metalworking, Machine Tools, Factory Automation, Hardware Products and Welding Machinery, Technology and Accessories Exhibition, Manila, PH
- 10.10-12.10.2019: METALEX VN - International Exhibition on Machine Tools & Metalworking Solutions for Production Upgrade, Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt, VN
- 10.10-12.10.2019: MM Water - MM's International Water & Wastewater Industry Event, Rangun, MM
- 10.10-12.10.2019: PHILTRONICS (Manufacturing Technology World Series) - International Electronics and Semiconductor, SMT and PCB Manufacturing Technology, Supplies and Services Exhibition, Manila, PH
- 10.10-12.10.2019: SETA - Smart Energy Transformation Asia, Bangkok, TH
- 10.10-13.10.2019: IINEX (ex. TIIE) - Internationale Industriemesse, Teheran, IR
- 12.10-13.10.2019: AsiaSolar PV Expo - AsiaSolar Photovoltaic Innovative Technology Exhibition & Cooperation Forum, Hangzhou, CN
- 13.10-16.10.2019: HKTDC HK Electronics Fair, Hongkong, CN
- 14.10-16.10.2019: HYDRO - Internationales Symposium und technische Ausstellung für Wasserkraft, Porto, PT
- 14.10-16.10.2019: MEPEC - Middle East Process Engineering Conference & Exhibition, Manama, BH
- 15.10-17.10.2019: eMove360° Europe - International Trade Fair for Mobility 4.0 - electric - connected - autonomous, München, DE
- 15.10-17.10.2019: EUROTOOL (Intertool) - International Trade Fair of Machine Tools, Tools, Devices and Equipment for Material Processing, Krakau, PL
- 15.10-17.10.2019: LabASIA - International Scientific and Laboratory Equipment Exhibition and Conference, Kuala Lumpur, MY
- 15.10-17.10.2019: MECTW - Middle East Cleaning Technology Week, incl. CMEX Clean Middle East Expo, Gulf Laundrex presented by Texcare, Gulf Car Wash Car Care Expo, Dubai, AE
- 15.10-17.10.2019: Motion + Power Technology Expo - Fachmesse für Getriebetechnik und deren Herstellung, Detroit, US
- 15.10-17.10.2019: SPIE Optifab - Optical Fabrication ExhibitionRochester, US
- 15.10-18.10.2019: CEATEC JP - Combined Exhibition of Advanced Technologies, Chiba/Tokyo, JP
- 16.10-17.10.2019: SEF - International Forum & Exhibition on Sustainable Energy in UA, Kiew, UA
- 16.10-18.10.2019: Energy TW - TW Int'l Photovoltaic Exhibition, Taipei, TW
- 16.10-18.10.2019: Expo Agua PE - PE Water Expo, Lima, PE
- 16.10-18.10.2019: IFAT India - India's Leading Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Solid Waste and Recycling, Mumbai, IN
- 16.10-18.10.2019: IPB - International Powder & Bulk Solids Conference & Exhibition, Shanghai, CN
- 16.10-18.10.2019: MTA HANOI - The International Precision Engineering, Machine Tools and Metalworking Exhibition & Conference, Hanoi, VN
- 16.10-18.10.2019: POWTEX Osaka - Powder Technology Exhibition, Osaka, JP
- 16.10-18.10.2019: TAITRONICS - Taipei International Electronics Show, Taipei, TW
- 16.10-18.10.2019: WATER AFRICA & East Africa Building & Construction, Kigali, RW
- 16.10-18.10.2019: Wind Energy TW. Taipei, TW
- 16.10-19.10.2019: Autoparts.Autoshow, Almaty, KZ
- 16.10-19.10.2019: VN Print Pack - VN International Printing & Packaging Industry Exhibition, Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt, VN
- 17.10-19.10.2019: LASER World of PHOTONICS INDIA, Mumbai, IN
- 17.10-19.10.2019: POWER Bangladesh - International Exhibition on Power Generation & Transmission, Energy & Renewable Energy, Dhaka, BD
- 18.10-20.10.2019: Laser TW, Taipei, TW
- 20.10-24.10.2019: ACI Convention - Fall - The Concrete Convention and Exposition, Cincinnati, US
- 21.10-23.10.2019: ERA - Salon International des Energies Renouvelables, des Energies Propres et du Développement Durable, Oran, DZ
- 21.10-23.10.2019: Medtrade - Global Medical Products Trade Show, Atlanta, US
- 21.10-23.10.2019: WETEX - Water, Energy Technology and Environment Exhibition, Dubai, AE
- 21.10-24.10.2019: IRAN HVAC&R - IR Int. Exhibition of Installation (Heating, Cooling, Ventilating, Air Conditioning & Refrigerating Systems), Teheran, IR
- 21.10-24.10.2019: WASTECON, Phoenix, US
- 21.10-25.10.2019: IAC International Astronautical Congress & Exhibition, Washington, US
- 22.10-24.10.2019: CHEM-Show / CPI Exposition - Chemical Process Industries Exposition, New York, US
- 22.10-24.10.2019: CWP - China Wind Power - International Exhibition & Conference, Peking, CN
- 22.10-24.10.2019: Engine Expo, Novi, US
- 22.10-24.10.2019: ITAP - Industrial Transformation ASIA-PACIFIC - The No. 1 Platform for Digital Industry and Intelligent Manufacturing in ASEAN, Singapore, SG
- 22.10-24.10.2019: NBAA - National Business Aviation Association Annual Meeting and Convention, Las Vegas, US
- 22.10-24.10.2019: NDT RU - International exhibition of equipment for non-destructive testing and technical diagnostics, Moskau, RU
- 22.10-24.10.2019: parts2clean - Internationale Leitmesse für industrielle Teile- und Oberflächenreinigung, Stuttgart, DE
- 22.10-24.10.2019: Testing Expo - Automotive Testing Expo North America, Novi, US
- 22.10-24.10.2019: The Assembly Show, Rosemont, US
- 22.10-25.10.2019: Ural Power Industry - RUn Energy Forum and specialized exhibition, Ufa, RU
- 23.10-24.10.2019: All Energy Australia, Melbourne, AU
- 23.10-24.10.2019: ATX Minneapolis - Automation Technology Expo, Minneapolis, US
- 23.10-24.10.2019: In.Stand - Messe für Instandhaltung und Services, Stuttgart, DE
- 23.10-24.10.2019: PLASTEC MINNEAPOLIS - Plastics US, Minneapolis, US
- 23.10-24.10.2019: Waste Expo - Management, Recycling and Sustainability, Melbourne, AU
- 23.10-25.10.2019: MEDICAL JAPAN TOKYO - Int'l Medical & Elderly Care Expo & Conference Tokyo, Chiba/Tokyo, JP
- 23.10-26.10.2019: CeMAT ASIA - International Trade Fair for Materials Handling, Automation Technology, Transport Systems and Logistics, Shanghai, CN
- 23.10-26.10.2019: Eurasia Packaging Istanbul - Internationale Ausstellung für Verpackungstechnik, Istanbul, TR
- 23.10-26.10.2019: Hydrogen + Fuel Cells ASIA - The International Meeting Point of the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Community in ASIA, Shanghai, CN
- 23.10-26.10.2019: Industrial Supply ASIA - The International Trade Fair and Matchmaking Platform for Industrial Subcontracting, Components, Materials and Technology Solutions, Shanghai, CN
- 23.10-26.10.2019: MECT - Mechatronics Technology JP, Nagoya, JP
- 23.10-26.10.2019: MINEX - Mining, Natural Resources and Technology Fair, Izmir, TR
- 23.10-26.10.2019: PTC ASIA - International Trade Fair for Electrical and Mechanical Power Transmission, Fluid Power, Compressed Air Technology, Machine Parts, Bearings, Internal Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines, Shanghai, CN
- 24.10-04.11.2019: Tokyo Motor Show, Tokyo, JP
- 26.10-27.10.2019: Solar & Storage Live, Birmingham, GB
- 27.10-29.10.2019: GCC Power - The GCC Cigre Conference & Exhibition for Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Maskat, OM
- 27.10-30.10.2019: HKTDC HK International Lighting Fair, Hongkong, CN
- 27.10-30.10.2019: HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair, Hongkong, CN
- 28.10-30.10.2019: TH Building Fair - The ASEAN platform for Building Automation & Electrical Engineering, Bangkok, TH
- 28.10-30.10.2019: TH Lighting Fair - ASEAN's Leading Trade Fair on Lighting Technology, Design and Application, Bangkok, TH
- 28.10-31.10.2019: NACV - International Exhibition for Commercial Vehicles, Parts & Accessories, Inspection & Maintenance, Atlanta, US
- 29.10-01.11.2019: JP Pack - International Packaging Machinery Show, Tokyo, JP
- 29.10-31.10.2019: IN(3D)USTRY - Additive & Advanced Manufacturing Global Hub, Barcelona, ES
- 29.10-31.10.2019: IOT Solutions World Congress, Barcelona, ES
- 30.10-01.11.2019: AusBiotech - Australia's Biotechnology Conference & Exhibition, Melbourne, AU
- 30.10-01.11.2019: China Foodtech/China Packtech - International Food Processing and Packaging Machinery Exhibition, Peking, CN
- 30.10-01.11.2019: ILOPE - International Lasers, Optoelectronics and Photonics Exhibition, Peking, CN
- 30.10-01.11.2019: WATER AFRICA & West Africa Building & Construction Exhibition Ghana, Lagos, NG
- 30.10-02.11.2019: All Pack Indonesia Expo, Jakarta, ID
- 30.10-02.11.2019: Eco Expo Asia - International Trade Fair on Environmental Protection, HK
- 30.10-02.11.2019: EneR Event / Elec Expo / Tronica Expo, Casablanca, MA
- 30.10-02.11.2019: Pollutec Maroc - Internationale Fachmesse für Umwelttechnik, Casablanca, MA
- 30.10-31.10.2019: Advanced Engineering UK - incorp. Aero Engineering Show, Composites Engineering Show, Automotive Engineering Show & Performance Metals Engineering, Birmingham, GB
- 30.10-31.10.2019: BUILDING GREEN - Exhibition and Confrence in Sustainable and Energy Efficient Building Solutions, Kopenhagen, DK
- 30.10-31.10.2019: maintec - The future of maintenance engineering, Birmingham, GB
- 30.10-31.10.2019: REIF Fukushima - Renewable Energy Industrial Fair, Koriyama-City, JP
- 31.10-03.11.2019: iENA mit START Messe - Internationale Fachmesse 'Ideen-Erfindungen-Neuheiten', Nürnberg, DE
- 31.10-03.11.2019: IRANCONMIN - International Exhibition for Mines, Mining, Construction Machinery and Related Industry & Equipment, Teheran, IR
August 2019
- 01 2nd ICSTR Barcelona – International Conference on Science & Technology Research, 01-02 August 2019 Barcelona, Spain
- 01 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Applied Sciences and Information Technology (EAIT-AUG-20 Singapore, Singapore
- 02 International Conference on Electrical and Electronics, Civil, Mechanical, Manufacturing Engineering & Atomic Energy Singapore, Singapore
- 04 16th MILAN-ITALY International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Healthcare (IASEH-19) Milan, Italy
- 06 2nd International Conference on Current Challenges in Engineering, Technology and Applied Sciences Research (CETAS-2019) Taipei, Taiwan
- 06 International Congress on Pure & Applied Chemistry (ICPAC) Yangon 2019 Yangon, Myanmar
- 07 ANIMH 2nd International Conference on New Developments in Engineering and Applied Sciences (NDEA) Seoul, South Korea
- 07 2nd International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering, and Social Sciences 2019 Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- 07 2nd International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering, and Social Sciences 2019 DI Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- 07 International Conference on Healthcare, Applied science, Technology and Engineering casablanca, Morocco
- 07 International Conference on Water, Informatics, Sustainability, and Environment (iWISE2019) Ottawa, Canada
- 08 ICSTR Istanbul – International Conference on Science & Technology Research, 08-09 August 2019 Istanbul, Turkey
- 08 2019 1st ICOEMIS (International Conference on Engineering and Management in Industrial System) Malang, Indonesia
- 08 The 2nd International Conference on Science Technology and Engineering Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 08 2019 International Conference on Resources and Environment Sciences (ICRES 2019)--EI Compendex, Scopus Jeju Island, South Korea
- 09 2019 4th International Conference on Material Engineering and Smart Materials (ICMESM 2019)--Ei Compendex and Scopus Salamanca, Spain
- 09 2019 10th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Technology (ICMST 2019)--EI Compendex, Scopus Sabah, Malaysia
- 09 2019 3rd International Conference on Robotics and Mechantronics (ICRoM 2019) Sabah, Malaysia
- 10 FEAST 2nd International Conference on Engineering Technology, Applied Sciences, Computing & Networking (EACN) London, United Kingdom
- 10 2nd International Conference on Information Technology, Engineering & Design, Agriculture, Applied Sciences Bangkok, Thailand
- 10 2nd International Conference on Biotechnology Environment Agriculture Engineering and Applied Sciences Sydney, Australia
- 10 AETA Int. Conference on Dynamics of Engineering Technology, Applied Sciences, Software Applications & Cloud Computing Paris, France
- 12 2019 the 7th international conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering (SEGE 2019)--IEEE Xplore Ontario, Canada
- 12 ICCE2018: 8th International Conference and Exhibition On Clean Energy Montreal, Canada
- 12 2019 3rd International Conference on Materials and Intelligent Manufacturing (ICMIM 2019) Incheon, South Korea
- 12 15th PATTAYA–THAILAND International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology (PASET-19) Pattaya, Thailand
- 13 2019 2nd International Conference on Bioenergy and Clean Energy (ICBCE 2019) Singapore, Singapore
- 13 2019 5th International Conference on Advances in Environment Research (ICAER 2019) Singapore, Singapore
- 13 2019 4th International Conference on Biomedical Signal and Image Processing (ICBIP 2019)--Ei Compendex and Scopus Chengdu, China
- 15 6th International Conference on Mining, Material, and Metallurgical Engineering (MMME'19) Lisbon, Portugal
- 15 6th International Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (HTFF'19) Lisbon, Portugal
- 17 ANIMH International Conference on Current Trends in Engineering, Technology and Applied Sciences (CETA) Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- 17 Penang International Conference on Multi-Disciplinary Research (PICM 2019) Penang, Malaysia
- 19 2nd International Conference on Research Advancements in Engineering Management and Information Technology (EMIT) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 19 2019 The 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environment Engineering (REEE 2019)--Scopus and Ei Munich, Germany
- 20 The 18th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, SET2019 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 20 International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Applied Management Research and Economics Theories Bali, Indonesia
- 20 AAER 2nd International Conference on Research Paradigms in Engineering, Information Technology, Design and Energy Bali, Indonesia
- 21 Second International Conference on Power and Embedded Drive Control, 2019 (ICPEDC - 2019) Chennai, India
- 21 2019 5th International Conference on Innovation and Industrial Logistics (ICIIL 2019)--EI Compendex, Scopus Paris, France
- 21 SCOPUS-SGESG 2019 : 2019 3rd International Symposium on Green Energy and Smart Grid Chongqing, China
- 22 ACM--2019 3rd International Conference on Big Data and Internet of Things (BDIOT 2019) Melbourne, Australia
- 22 2019 International Conference on Engineering, Science, and Industrial Applications Tokyo, Japan
- 23 2019 3rd International Conference on Circuits, Systems and Devices (ICCSD 2019) Chengdu, China
- 23 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Developments 2019 (ICETD 2019) Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
- 23 2019 The 3rd Internationalal Conference on Power Electronics Systems and Applications (ICPESA 2019) Chengdu, China
- 23 2nd RMP International Conference in Engineering and Technology (RICET 2019) kuala lumpur, Malaysia
- 24 Int. Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology, Robotics , Design, Engineering and Applied Sciences Beijing, China
- 24 2nd International Conference on Innovative Practices in Science Engineering, Computer and Information Technology (SECIT) Tokyo, Japan
- 24 IRNEST Int. Conference on Engineering, Applied Sciences, Information Technology & Aerospace Engineering (ICEAIA) Shanghai, China
- 24 5th International Conference on “Multidisciplinary Academic Research & Global Innovation” (MARGI-2019) Beijing, China
- 24 WEASC 2nd International Conference on Engineering Technology, Design, Energy & Applied Sciences (EDEA) Athens, Greece
- 24 IAET Int. Conference on Big Data Management, System Engineering, Information Technology, Networking & Applied Sciences Budapest, Hungary
- 24 WEASC 2nd Int. Conference on Aviation Technology, Applied Sciences, Robotics, System Engineering & Bioinformatics Barcelona, Spain
- 25 2019 the 6th International Conference on Mechanical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (CMECE 2019)--JA, Scopus Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- 25 2019 2nd International Conference on Electronics and Signal Processing (ICESP 2019)--JA, Scopus Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- 26 2019 4th International Conference on Robotics and Vision (ICRV 2019) Singapore, Singapore
- 26 4th International Conference on Ergonomics (ICE) and 2nd International Conference on Industrial Engineering (ICIE) Terengganu, Malaysia
- 26 IEEE--2019 2nd International Conference of Intelligent Robotic and Control Engineering (IRCE 2019) Singapore, Singapore
- 27 ISER Int. Conference on Innovation Management, Marketing, Business Economics, Social Sciences, Justice & Legal Studies Rome, Italy
- 27 International Conference on Engineering, Information Technology, Applied Sciences, Energy & Petroleum Engineering Malé, Maldives
- 28 2019 International Conference on Engineering, Science and Applications (ICESA 2019) Osaka, Japan
- 28 Int. Conference on Technology Management, Industrial Engineering, Applied Sciences, Networking & Computer Applications Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 29 ATASEC 2019 - The 1st Annual Advanced Technology, Applied Science, and Engineering Conference Batu, Indonesia
- 29 5th International Conference on Modern Approaches in Science, Technology and Engineering Berlin, Germany
- 30 2nd ICSTR Rome – International Conference on Science & Technology Research, 30-31 August 2019 Rome, Italy
- 31 2nd International Conference on Innovative Approaches in Sciences, Engineering and Technology ISET-2019 Osaka, Japan
September 2019
- 01 Recent Issues & Approaches in Multidisciplinary Research (IAMR-19) Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 01 Annual Chapter on Future Trends in Engineering Technology, and Health Studies (ETH-19) Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 01 European Summit on Computer, Engineering, and Applied Sciences Research (CEAR-19) Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 02 2nd International Research Conference on Sustainable Development through Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences Singapore, Singapore
- 03 Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for Renewable Energy - Johannesburg Johannesburg, South Africa
- 03 2nd Interdisciplinary Conference on Environmental Technology (ICET 2019) Bandung, Indonesia
- 03 2019 the 4th Optoelectronics Global Conference (OGC 2019) Shenzhen, China
- 04 13th International Conference on Latest Trends in Engineering, Technology and Natural Sciences (LTETN-19-Bordeaux) Bordeaux, France
- 05 Science, Technology, Engineering and Management: Industry 4.0 International Conference Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 05 International Academic Conference on Research in Engineering and Technology Barcelona, Spain
- 06 2019 8th International Conference on Engineering and Innovative Materials (ICEIM 2019) Tokyo, Japan
- 06 IEEE--2019 4th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Engineering (ICITE 2019) Singapore, Singapore
- 06 2019 4th International Conference on Functional Materials and Steel (ICFMS 2019) Tokyo, Japan
- 06 2019 International Conference on Sustainable Development in Computer Science and Information Technology (SDCIT) Taipei, Taiwan
- 07 2019 7th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Information (ICCEI 2019) Jeju Island, South Korea
- 07 ICPECE 2019 - International Conference on Power Electronics and Control Engineering Bali, Indonesia
- 07 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy, Engineering and IT Application (REEIA) Istanbul, Turkey
- 07 DMEE 2019 - International Conference on Design, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Bali, Indonesia
- 09 KEM--2019 The 2nd International Conference on Functional Materials (ICFM 2019)--Ei Compendex, Scopus Tohoku, Japan
- 09 POWER WEEK Africa Conference Johannesburg, South Africa
- 10 2019 11th International Conference on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering (ICBEE 2019) Madrid, Spain
- 10 International Conference on Sustainability, Green Buildings, Environmental Engineering & Renewable Energy (SGER 2019) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 11 International Conference on Information Technology, Robotics, Architecture, Building Design and Engineering Bangkok, Thailand
- 12 Global AI Congress Kolkata, India
- 12 2nd ICSTR London – International Conference on Science & Technology Research, 12-13 September 2019 London, United Kingdom
- 12 3rd International Joint Science Congress of Materials and Polymers Prishtina, Rep of Kosovo
- 12 2nd International Conference on Innovative Research in Science Engineering and Technology Rome, Italy
- 12 ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference Rovinj, Croatia
- 13 International Conference on Engineering Technology and Management Colombo, Sri Lanka
- 14 ANIMH 2nd International Conferences on Interdisciplinary Research in Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences (IETA) Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- 14 Int. Conference on Research in Engineering, Information Technology, Business Design, Applied Sciences & Solar Technology Paris, France
- 14 FEAST 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Technology, Design, Communication and Engineering (ITDE) London, United Kingdom
- 14 Int. Conference on Information Management, Engineering & Technology, Wireless Communication and Environmental Science Istanbul, Turkey
- 14 Int.Conference on Theoretical & Practical Implications in Engineering , Information Technology, Architecture & Computing Manila, Philippines
- 14 2nd International Conference on Innovative Advancement in Research Related to Engineering, IT and Applied Sciences Sydney, Australia
- 14 2019 The International Conference on Big Data Engineering and Education (BDEE 2019) Bangkok, Thailand
- 16 ANIMH 2nd International Conference on Engineering and IT Theories and their Applications (EITA) Seoul, South Korea
- 17 ARSSS - International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computer Science and Information Technology (ICEECSIT) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 17 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Computer Networking, Robotics, Engineering and Applied Sciences Research Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 18 Polymer Testing & Analysis 2019 Dusseldorf, Germany
- 18 2019 The 2nd International Conference on Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence (MLMI 2019) Jakarta, Indonesia
- 18 1st International conference on photovoltaics and energy systems (ICPES2019) Exeter, United Kingdom
- 18 Energy Forum 2K19 London, United Kingdom
- 18 2019 5th International Conference on Frontiers of Signal Processing (ICFSP 2019)--Ei Compendex and Scopus Marseille, France
- 18 12th Annual Electricity Flexibility, Ancillary Services and Balancing Forum Vienna, Austria
- 18 4th Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation Conference 2019 Durban, South Africa
- 19 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Sciences Ipoh, Malaysia
- 19 2019 11th International Conference on Information Management and Engineering (ICIME 2019)--Ei Compendex and Scopus London, United Kingdom
- 19 2nd ICSTR Jakarta – International Conference on Science & Technology Research, 19-20 September 2019 Jakarta, Indonesia
- 20 ACM--2019 Annual International Conference on System Reliability and Safety Engineering (SRSE 2019)--EI Compendex, Scopus Wuhan, China
- 20 2019 International Symposium on Signal Processing Systems (SSPS 2019) Beijing, China
- 20 ACM--2019 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Internet of Things (CCIOT 2019) Tokyo, Japan
- 20 3rd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications - CHIRA 2019 Vienna, Austria
- 20 ACM--2019 International Conference on Emerging Networks Technologies (ICENT 2019) Tokyo, Japan
- 20 2019 6th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering (CPESE 2019) Okinawa, Japan
- 20 2019 5th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Development (ICRED 2019) Okinawa, Japan
- 20 The 2nd International Conference on Modern Research in Information and Electronics Engineering Chian Mai, Thailand
- 20 The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Research Techniques in Engineering, Technology and Applied Science Chiang Mai, Thailand
- 21 IAET International Conference on Engineering Sciences, Mathematics, Information Technology, Computing & Applied Sciences Budapest, Hungary
- 21 2nd International Conference on Engineering, Design, IT, Applied Sciences, Nanotechnology & Smart Materials (EIANS) Barcelona, Spain
- 21 International Conference on Recent Trends in Big Data Management, Data Analysis, Computing and Engineering Applications Barcelona, Spain
- 21 2019 2nd International Conference of Civil Engineering and Architecture (ICCEA 2019) Seoul, South Korea
- 21 Int. Conference on Recent Innovations in Biotechnology, System Engineering, Applied Sciences, Space Environment Tokyo, Japan
- 21 2019 The 4th International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy (ICPRE 2019)--Ei Compendex, Scopus Chengdu, China
- 21 2nd International Conference on Advances in Applied Sciences, Engineering Technology, Polymers, Plastics & Robotics Athens, Greece
- 22 2019 European Conference on Information System and Data Mining (CISDM 2019) Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 22 6th International Environmental Best Practices Conference Olsztyn, Poland
- 23 The 5th International Conference on Science, Technology, and Interdisciplinary Research [IC-STAR 2019] BANDAR LAMPUNG, Indonesia
- 23 Int Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches in Applied Sciences, Engineering Technology, Bioinformatics & Transport Bali, Indonesia
- 23 21st Kuala Lumpur International Conference on “Computer, Control and Communication Engineering” (KIC4E-19) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 23 2nd International Conference on Engineering Polymers and Plastic, Building Design and Computer Sciences Bangkok, Thailand
- 25 International Conference on Advances in Minerals, Metals, Materials, Manufacturing and Modelling 2019 Warangal, India
- 25 Int. Conference on Research in Design Science, Engineering, Information Technology, Communication & Internet of Things Rome, Italy
- 25 RFAET International Conference on Nanotechnology, Space Environment, Engineering, Technology & Applied Sciences Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 25 2019 9th International Conference on Environment and BioScience (ICEBS 2019) Bangkok, Thailand
- 25 International Conference on Knowledge and Policy for Sustainable Development: Global Lessons and Local Challenges New Delhi, India
- 25 2019 2nd International Conference on Electronics and Electrical Engineering Technology (EEET 2019)--Ei and Scopus Penang, Malaysia
- 26 ICSTR Hong Kong – International Conference on Science & Technology Research, 26-27 September 2019 Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- 26 Pakistan Renewable Energy Summit 2019 (PRES2019) Islamabad, Pakistan
- 26 International Conference on Advanced Materials Research Singapore, Singapore
- 27 2019 The 10th International Conference on Construction and Project Management (ICCPM 2019) Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- 27 2019 The 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation Engineering (ICIMA 2019) Tokyo, Japan
- 27 2019 2nd Asia Conference on Material and Manufacturing Technology (ACMMT 2019) Nanjing, China
- 27 International Conference on Computer Software, Application, Data Mining, Networking, Engineering and Applied Sciences Bangkok, Thailand
- 27 International Conference on Computer sciences, Robotics, Design and Information Technology Male, Maldives
- 27 2019 2nd International Conference on Engineering Materials and Metallurgy (ICEMM 2019) Nanjing, China
- 27 International Conference on Design, Engineering, Basic and Applied Sciences and Information Technology, Software Engineering Malé, Maldives
- 27 7th National Conference on Condensed Matter Physics and Apllications, Theme: Materials for Clean and Green Energy Manipal, India
- 27 2019 The 4th International Conference on Cybernetics, Robotics and Control (CRC 2019)--Ei Compendex & Scopus Tokyo, Japan
- 28 IRNEST 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering, Applied Sciences, Biotechnology, Robotics & Energy Shanghai, China
- 28 International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology (SIET) Lombok, Indonesia
- 28 IEEE--2019 Asia IoT Technologies Conference (AIOTT 2019) Weihai, China
- 28 2nd Int. Conference on Trends in Biomedical Engineering, Computing, ICT, Manufacturing, Military & Applied Sciences Osaka, Japan
- 28 Int.Conference on Bioinformatics, Industrial Engineering, Computer Software, Applied Sciences & Aviation Technology Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 29 Nanomechanical Testing In Materials Research and Development VII Malaga, Spain
October 2019
- 01 International Conference on Man-Machine Interactions Cracow, Poland
- 02 2nd International Conference on Research Optimization in Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences Singapore, Singapore
- 03 International Conference on Engineering Management, Aerospace and Aviation Engineering, Nanotechnology and Applied Sciences Singapore, Singapore
- 03 International Conference on Data Science and Applications Balikesir, Turkey
- 03 International Conference on Data Science and Applications (ICONDATA) Edremit, Turkey
- 04 International Conference on Materials 2019 Singapore, Singapore
- 04 International Conference on Information Technology and Computer Science 2019 Singapore, Singapore
- 05 3rd International Conference on Innovative Trends in Computer, Engineering and Applied Sciences (ITCEA) Taipei, Taiwan
- 05 International Conference on Research Challenges in Engineering, IT, Design & Agri Sciences (RCEIT-OCT-2019) Seoul, South Korea
- 08 2019 2nd International Conference on Sensors, Signal and Image Processing (SSIP 2019)--Ei Compendex and Scopus Prague, Czech Republic
- 08 12th Energy Storage World Forum Rome, Italy
- 08 2019 International Communication Engineering and Cloud Computing Conference (CECCC 2019) Prague, Czech Republic
- 09 4th ICSTR Dubai - International Conference on Science and Technology Research, 09-10 October 2019 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 09 2019 International Conference on Environment, Resources and Energy Engineering (EREE 2019) Bangkok, Thailand
- 09 International Conference on Engineering, Multimedia Technology IT and Renewable Energy Application Phuket, Thailand
- 10 International Conference on Computer Software, Application, Data Mining Networking Engineering and Applied Sciences Bangkok, Thailand
- 11 2019 8th International Conference on Nanostructures, Nanomaterials and Nanoengineering (ICNNN 2019) Kyoto, Japan
- 11 2019 3rd International Conference on Automation, Control and Robots (ICACR 2019)--Ei Compendex and SCOPUS Prague, Czech Republic
- 11 2019 4th International Conference on Mechatronics and Electrical Systems (ICMES 2019)--Ei Compendex and SCOPUS Prague, Czech Republic
- 12 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Information Technology Engineering and Applied Sciences Sydney, Australia
- 12 2019 International Conference on Virtual Reality and Intelligent System (VRIS 2019) Hangzhou, China
- 12 2019 The 6th International Conference on Manufacturing and Industrial Technologies (ICMIT 2019) Tianjin, China
- 12 FEAST 2nd International Conference on Physical & Life sciences, Engineering, Biotechnology and Applied Sciences (PLAS) London, United Kingdom
- 12 AETA Int. Conference on Research in Engineering, Information Technology, Computer Science, Robotics & Applied Sciences Paris, France
- 12 2019 4th International Workshop on Signal Acquisition and Processing (ICSAP 2019)--Ei Compendex and Scopus Hangzhou, China
- 12 2019 6th International Conference on Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing (ICMMM 2019) Boston, United States of America
- 12 IEEE--2019 The 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics, Robotics and Automation (ICMRA 2019) Tianjin, China
- 12 International Conference on System Engineering, Computational Intelligence, Information Technology & Applied Sciences Istanbul, Turkey
- 14 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering, Information Technology, Data Mining, and Applied Sciences Manila, Philippines
- 14 Conference 2019 X-Bionic Sphere, Samorin, Slovakia
- 14 International Conference on Sustainable Water Treatment Technologies and Environment BouIsmail, Algeria
- 14 3rd E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium Dublin, Ireland
- 14 2019 2nd International Conference on Power and Energy Technology (ICPET 2019) Rabat, Morocco
- 16 Data Mining and Machine Learning 2019 Paris, France
- 16 ANIMH 2nd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Engineering Sciences and Information Technology Seoul, South Korea
- 16 2nd Energy, Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability Conference (CEES 2019) La Serena, Chile
- 16 17th Portugal International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology (PISET-19) Lisbon, Portugal
- 17 International Conference on Engineering Technology and Management Singapore, Singapore
- 17 2nd ICSTR Prague – International Conference on Science & Technology Research, 17-18 October 2019 Prague, Czech Republic
- 17 4th ICSTR Bangkok – International Conference on Science & Technology Research, 17-18 October 2019 Bangkok, Thailand
- 17 BDAI 2019: 2019 International Conference on Industrial Applications of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Shanghai, China
- 18 2nd International Conference on Applied Research in Engineering Science and Technology Budapest, Hungary
- 18 IEEE--2019 11th International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology (ICAIT 2019) Jinan, China
- 18 2019 International Conference on Computer, Software Engineering and Applications (CSEA 2019) Taichung, Taiwan
- 18 International Multidisciplinary Conference on IT, Engineering, Economics, Education & Evironment London, United Kingdom
- 18 2019 the 2nd International Conference on Computing and Big Data (ICCBD 2019) Taichung, Taiwan
- 18 2nd International Conference on Software Applications, Biomedical Engineering, Applied Science and Industrial Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 18 2019 7th International Conference on Sustainable Environment and Agriculture (ICSEA 2019) Hawaii, United States of America
- 18 International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies ICRTCCNT'19 Chennai, India
- 18 2019 2nd International Conference on Green Energy and Sustainable Development (GESD 2019) Shanghai, China
- 18 2019 International Conference on Robotics Systems and Vehicle Technology (RSVT 2019)--EI Compendex, Scopus Wuhan, China
- 19 International Conference on Emerging Research in Engineering, Information Technology, Bioinformatics, Applied Sciences Athens, Greece
- 19 Global Research Insights in Nanotechnology, Medical Engineering, and Physical Sciences (NMEP-19) Barcelona, Spain
- 19 2019 4th International Conference on Engineering Design and Analysis (ICEDA 2019) Bali, Indonesia
- 19 2019 6th International Conference on Mechatronics, Automation and Manufacturing (ICMAM 2019) Bali, Indonesia
- 19 International Symposium on Engineering Management, Information System & Applied Social Innovation (EMISA-OCT-2019) Istanbul, Turkey
- 19 ANIMH 2nd International Conferences on Advances in Networking, Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences (NETA) Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- 20 2nd Workshop on Visualization for AI Explainability (VISxAI) at IEEE VIS 2019 Vancouver, Canada
- 21 Global Experts Meeting on Frontiers in Green Energy & Expo Rome, Italy
- 21 Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for Renewable Energy - Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 21 Global Experts Meeting on Frontiers in Biofuels and Bioenergy Rome, Italy
- 21 2nd International Conference on Information Technology, Civil Engineering and Applied Sciences (ITCEA) Bangkok, Thailand
- 22 International Multidisciplinary Conference on Technology, Engineering, Management, Education and Social Sciences Warsaw, Poland
- 22 2019 The 3rd International Conference on Advances in Artificial Intelligence (ICAAI 2019) Istanbul, Turkey
- 23 1st International Conference on Green Technology & Sustainable Development (GTSD 2019) Shah Alam, Malaysia
- 23 AI World Conference and Expo Boston, United States of America
- 23 Renewable Energy, Biofuels and Green Technologies Congress (REBFGT2019 Rome, Italy
- 23 International Conference on Smart Materials and Engineering Science (ICSMES'19) Maniila, Philippines
- 23 Int.Conference on Sustainable Development, Information Technology, Systems Engineering, Forestry & Applied Sciences Bali, Indonesia
- 23 2019 2nd International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanodevices (ICANN 2019) Shanghai, China
- 23 International Conference on Advances in Renowned Renewable Energy Technologies - RRET Vijayawada, India
- 23 9th International Symposium on Atmospheric Sciences Istanbul, Turkey
- 24 4th International Conference on Information Technology Bangkok, Thailand
- 24 Global Experts Meeting on Frontiers in Materials Science & Engineering Rome, United Kingdom
- 24 4th International Conference on Electrical Systems, Technology and Information (ICESTI 2019) Denpasar, Indonesia
- 24 World Conference on Engineering and Technology Frankfurt, Germany
- 25 2019 2nd International Conference on Control and Robot Technology (ICCRT 2019) Phuket, Thailand
- 25 IEEE--2019 Workshop on Electronics Communication Engineering (WECE 2019) Beijing, China
- 25 2019 3rd International Conference on Automation and Mechatronics Engineering (ICAME 2019) Phuket, Thailand
- 25 AETA Int. Conference on Engineering and Technology, Smart Materials, Applied Sciences, Telecommunications & Big Data Rome, Italy
- 25 2019 3rd International Conference on Power and Energy Engineering (ICPEE 2019)--EI Compendex, Scopus Qingdao, China
- 25 International Conference on Engineering, Automation, Information Technology and Applied Sciences Male, Maldives
- 25 International Conference on New Applications in Smart Materials, Biotechnology, Engineering, Robotics & Automation Malé, Maldives
- 25 3rd International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Technology Management San Antonio, United States of America
- 25 2019 The 4th International Conference on Integrated Circuits and Microsystems (ICICM 2019)--Ei Compendex and Scopus Beijing, China
- 25 2019 International Conference on Resources and Environmental Research (ICRER 2019) Qingdao, China
- 26 2019 the 6th International Conference on Advances in Electronics Engineering (ICAEE 2019)--Ei Compendex & Scopus Macau, Macau
- 26 2nd Int.Conference on Innovations in Industrial Engineering, Applied Sciences, Telecommunications & Information Sciences Osaka, Japan
- 26 3rd International Computer and Applied Sciences Conference (ICAS) Barcelona, Spain
- 26 Global Academic View on AI and Business: Nice 2019 Nice, France
- 26 5th International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering And Applications (CSEA 2019) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 28 International Conference on Aviation Technology, System Engineering, IT, Biomedical Engineering & Applied Sciences Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 28 100% Renewable Heating & Cooling for a Sustainable Future Helsinki, Finland
- 28 Advanced Automotive Battery Conference - Asia Tokyo, Japan
- 29 2019 Intenational Conference on Big Data in Business London, United Kingdom
- 30 2019 International Conference on advances in Engineering and Applied Sciences (ICAEAS 2019) Istanbul, Turkey
- 30 International Energy Conference Astechnova 2019 Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- 30 2nd International Conference on Research in Applied Science Milan, Italy